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1. to cause to move in a particular direction by or as if by a pulling force; pull; drag (often fol. by along, away, in, out, or off).
2. to bring, take, or pull out, as from a receptacle or source: to draw water from a well.
3. to bring toward oneself or itself, as by inherent force or influence; attract: The concert drew a large audience.
4. to sketch (someone or something) in lines or words; delineate; depict: to draw a vase with charcoal; to draw the comedy's characters with skill.
5. to compose or create (a picture) in lines.
6. to mark or lay out; trace: to draw perpendicular lines.
7. to frame or formulate: to draw a distinction.
8. to write out in legal form (sometimes fol. by up): Draw up the contract.
9. to inhale or suck in: to draw liquid through a straw.
10. to derive or use, as from a source: to draw inspiration from Shakespeare.
11. to deduce; infer: to draw a conclusion.
12. to get, take, or receive, as from a source: to draw interest on a savings account; to draw a salary of $600 a week.
13. to withdraw funds from a drawing account, esp. against future commissions on sales.
14. to produce; bring in: The deposits draw interest.
15. to disembowel: to draw a turkey.
16. to drain: to draw a pond.
17. to pull out to full or greater length; make by attenuating; stretch: to draw filaments of molten glass.
18. to bend (a bow) by pulling back its string in preparation for shooting an arrow.
19. to choose or to have assigned to one at random, by or as by picking an unseen number, item, etc.: Let's draw straws to see who has to wash the car.
20. Metalworking.to form or reduce the sectional area of (a wire, tube, etc.) by pulling through a die.
21. to wrinkle or shrink by contraction.
22. Med.to cause to discharge: to draw an abscess by a poultice.
23. to obtain (rations, clothing, equipment, weapons, or ammunition) from an issuing agency, as an army quartermaster.
24. Nautical.(of a vessel) to need (a specific depth of water) to float: She draws six feet.
25. to leave (a contest) undecided; finish with neither side winning, as in a tie.
26. Cards.
- to take or be dealt (a card or cards) from the pack.
- Bridge.to remove the outstanding cards in (a given suit) by leading that suit: He had to draw spades first in order to make the contract.
28. Northeastern U.S. (chiefly New Eng.). to haul; cart.
29. Hunting.to search (a covert) for game.
30. Cricket.to play (a ball) with a bat held at an angle in order to deflect the ball between the wicket and the legs.
31. Curling.to slide (the stone) gently.
32. to steep (tea) in boiling water.
33. to form or shape (glass) as it comes from the furnace by stretching.
34. to exert a pulling, moving, or attracting force: A sail draws by being properly trimmed and filled with wind.
35. to move or pass, esp. slowly or continuously, as under a pulling force (often fol. by on, off, out, etc.): The day draws near... click here for more still
The word 'draw' is amongst the most loaded of all words in the English language. Sally Brown, as a maker, is a 'drawer' and subliminally she draws on place in the ways pacemakers and placemarkers do in order to celebrate her placedness. There is not much space for words in Sally practice.
Click here to go to her folio – DRAWING: Gods & Mine
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