Saturday, October 29, 2011

Exhiting by Inventory Number

Photo by Marc Domage.

Frac Haute-Normandie
3, place des Martyrs-de-la-Résistance
76300 Sotteville-lès-Rouen, France
Click here to visit online:

As part of its events programme, Frac Haute-Normandie is offering visitors the chance to take stock of its collection. Every year at the start of the season in September, works from the catalogue will be exhibited according to their inventory number. Though something of a mystery to the general public, this number is crucial in that it identifies each work according to the order in which it entered the collection. Quite apart from the system's legal basis, this specific identifier is an invaluable source of information in compiling the history of the Frac Catalogue. L'Inventaire takes these code numbers in chronological order to explore the underlying rationale and connections. Accordingly, the first installment will begin with Frac Haute-Normandie's very first acquisition. L'Inventaire will continue anew every year until the last number in the catalogue is reached. 
Véronique Souben, Director, Frac Haute-Normand

There is always another way to imagine something!
In fact there are lots of them! 

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